
6.17 SAT 鼓楼工厂 The Factory|Unicat Attack! Vol.13 独角猫攻击!

鼓楼Factory 2023-06-23


Last Sunday, we held a "Vinyl Party" at The Factory, people shared their records with us.

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这个周六,我们将继续分享音乐,和办了12次的独角猫攻击!来一场Farewell Party。

This Saturday, we will continue to share music, and have a Farewell Party with Unicat Attack! Vol.13.

一切的开始总有一天会结束,独角猫攻击!说再见的日子已经到来。我们不会说永远,但现在,在北京,是时候结束我们的混合DJ/现场设置磁带捣碎派对的小传奇了,这些派对已经在整个城市的各个地方进行,你可能会想到。因此,在6月17日,我们邀请您参加Unicat的最后一次庆祝活动,并且恰如其分地,我们将以时尚的方式离开,14组DJ和现场表演者分布在鼓楼工厂的两层楼。当然,我们还有一盘录音带,事实上,我们将有两盘:独角兽攻击!vol.13和一大堆艺术家加上一个BYOV(带你自己的黑胶)的现场录音,由DJ Old Pig,ADDJ,和Wild Wata主办的系列演出在一楼。与此同时,在二楼,你可以放松地观看Lastboss、Ninjablade、Key Minor、Bass Ventura Pitch detecve、Ivy Wong、DJ H.Y.B、thruouttin、Looooooongish Cat、4 Channels Club、草莓爸爸和Synovak的表演。哦,我们说过这个活动是免费的吗?是的,这一切都是送给北京这座城市的礼物,也是送给音乐爱好者和派对动物的礼物,是他们让独角猫焕发了生机。在我们计划的一整天的派对中,会有一些惊喜和曲折,所以请放心,这最后的活动将是一个难忘的活动。

Everything that begins must one day end, and the day has come for Unicat Attack! to say adios. We won’t say forever, but for now, in Beijing, it’s time to conclude our little saga of hybrid DJ/live set tape mashing parties that have gone down all over the city in all kinds of places you might next expect. So on June 17 we invite you to one last celebration of the Unicat, and fittingly we’re going out in style, with 14+ DJs and live performers spread across two floors of The Factory on Gulou Dong. Of course we’ve got one more tape, in fact we’re going to have two: Unicat Attack! Vol.13 featuring a ton of artists plus a live taping of a BYOV (Bring Your Own Vinyl) back to back session led by DJ Old Pig, ADDJ, and Wild Wata on the first floor. Meanwhile on the second floor you’ll be able to get loose to sets from Lastboss, Ninjablade, Key Minor, Bass Ventura Pitch Detectuve, Ivy Wong, DJ H.Y.B, thruoutin, Looooooongish Cat, 4 Channels Club, Strawberry Papa, and Synovak. Oh, did we mention the event is free? Yep all of this is a a gift to the city of Beijing and the music lovers and party animals that have brought the Unicat to life. They’ll be some surprises and twists throughout the day long party we’ve got planned, so rest assured this last event will be one to remember.

独角兽攻击!第13卷磁带将在活动中作为按需发行的印刷品提供:我们将在那里为您配音磁带。这张史诗般的独角猫明星的过去,现在和未来的集合包括DJ Doom, Lastboss, Bass Ventura, Pitch Detective, 4 Channels Club, DJ Boring, Baby Cuts, DJ H.Y.B, Loooooongish Cat, Ninja Blade和thruoutin,而磁带本身也装饰着同样惊人的迷幻僵尸猫海报,由北京艺术家Maria创作。赶紧开始预售吧,否则你就有可能买不到全套Unicat磁带(当然,你的生活也会被彻底毁了)。

The Unicat Attack! Vol. 13 tape will be available at the event as a print on demand release: we will quite literally dub the tape there and then for you. This epic collection of Unicat stars past, present, and future includes DJ Doom,  Lastboss , Bass Ventura, Pitch Detective, 4 Channels Club, DJ Boring, Baby Cuts, DJ H.Y.B, Loooooongish Cat, Ninja Blade, and thruoutin, whilst the tape itself is adorned with the same amazing psychedelic zombiecat on the poster by Beijing based artist Maria. Get on the presale for that radness or else you’ll run the risk of not having the complete set of Unicat tapes (and your life would of course be totally ruined).

第二盘在我们成为之前提到的现场混音带的那天播放:来自独角猫和BYOV的礼物,来自BYOV社区的十位忠实的dj将旋转他们选择的黑胶唱片,每个人两首曲目,背靠背。这个疯狂的黑胶大熔炉将在现场使用Daftpop Sounds模拟磁带机录制并混合到卡带中,然后在你眼前复制,这样你就可以带着一小段时间离开,封面上有一些时髦的街头艺术。你手里拿着一点老派的B-boy文化,只有一次的表演和神器。这将是一个限量版,只有一次的交易,所以在你可以的时候开始预售这个小宝石。

The second tape kicking around on the day we be the afore mentioned live mix tape: a gift from Unicat and BYOV where ten stalwart DJs from the BYOV community will spin their choicest vinyl, two tracks each, back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. This melting pot of vinyl madness will be recorded and mixed to cassette on the spot using Daftpop Sounds analog tape machines,  and then duplicated before your very eyes so you can walk away with a a little moment of the session,   adored with some dope stylin’ street art on the cover.  A bit of old-school B-boy culture in your hand, a one time only performance and artifact. This will be a limited edition one time only kind of deal, so get on the presale for this little gem while you can.


Sp that’s the deal, June 17, the farewell to the Unicat, but hey: don’t cry that it’s over, smile that it happened. Seriously, we threw 13 parties through the chaos of the pandemic themed around Unicorn Cats and tapes of absurdist electronic music, in places where you would never imagine such a thing to happen. How can you not smirk at the very notion of that? So come smile, laugh, drink, and dance with the Unicat one more time and let’s make a memory worth holding on to.

时间 Time:2023.6.17  1pm


Location: The Factory 135 Gulou Dong Dajie (next to the famous Mantou shop), Beijing



Lastboss是一位来自英国曼城的多风格电音音乐家和制作者。之前有在伦敦、东京和北京住过的他,现在在中国珠海。从2000年代初开始,他的作品既多风格又丰富,在大部分数字平台上都能找到。Lastboss从事现场表演、Remix、制作、工作坊、展览和DJ。目前的兴趣主要是以视频为背景现场即兴地创作音乐。他有跟DJ Scud (Planet Mu), Maruosa (Rendarec), The Teknoist (Planet Mu), Ove-naxx (AD ADD AT) I , Pedro Zaz(United VJ’s) and Robedoor (Hands in the dark)出现过。他也经常跟视觉艺术家Lee Prescott合作。他大部分专辑封面都是由Lee Prescott创作。

Lastboss is a multi-genre electronic musician and producer from Manchester, UK. Having been active in London, Tokyo and Beijing, Lastboss is currently based in Zhuhai, China. His extensive genre-bending catalogue dates back to the early 2000’s and can be found on most digital platforms.Lastboss engages in live performance, remixing, producing, workshops, exhibitions and DJ-ing. His current interests include creating soundtracks for visuals through live improvisation. He has appeared with DJ Scud (Planet Mu), Maruosa (Rendarec), The Teknoist (Planet Mu), Ove-naxx (AD ADD AT) I , Pedro Zaz(United VJ’s) and Robedoor (Hands in the dark) amongst others.  Lastboss also works extensively with visual artist Lee Prescott who provides the majority of his album artwork.



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来自美国新奥尔良的电子音乐家、DJ兼音乐制作人thruoutin已在中国居住十三年。他创造的音乐风格非常多元化,其中还有奇怪的温情电子音乐与中国民乐的结合。在他的DJ sets里面他喜欢播放影响他自己作品的音乐, 例如抽象夜店音乐footwork、gqom、bass 音乐、minimal house、deconstructed club,还有氛围音乐。在他的音乐里你可以听到多种艺术创作思维,尤其是对大自然的采样和物理电子声音的钟爱。他曾经在北美洲、欧洲和亚洲有过巡回演出。除了个人独立发行专辑之外,他还与多家唱片公司都有过合作。“燃音乐”和“京味儿”等都曾发行过他的音乐。

American-born electronic producer, DJ, and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009. His work varies from project to project but often revolves around the combining of different genres with a focus on organic and digital sounds. As a DJ, thruoutin showcases music that influences him as a producer, including left-field club genres that float around footwork, gqom, bass music, minimal house, deconstructed club, and ambient music. He has extensively toured through North America, Europe, and Asia; releasing music on several labels along the way. Most recently, he has put out work with Beijing labels RAN Music and Jingweir as well as performing on Boiler Room China and playing at festivals such as Wetware and Zhangbei. The musical works of thruoutin are best listened to on Bandcamp, where there is a comprehensive collection of EPs, splits, and albums. There are three recommended releases: Contingent of Outlying Territory (Ran Music), thruoutin & YTAMO split [JW020] (Jingweir), and 杏树台 Apricot Station (Senzu Collective).

Key Minor 


She has been exposed to music since she was a child, and her style is amorphous. Years of accumulation of various genres have given her unique insights into electronic music, and she is good at incorporating various elements into a limited style set. As a member of Mongolian, she has been exploring different styles of music and is committed to bringing Mongolian national elements and electronic music to the audience.

Bass Ventura, Pitch Detective

是140bpm的低音摇摆还是慢舞?这有关系吗?无论哪种方式 Bass Ventura, Pitch Detective会带你在风味小镇来一场单程骑行!

Will it be 140bpm bass wobble or slow jam central? Does it matter? Either way Bass Ventura is taking you on a one way ride to flavour town!



With an air of music that strikes the heart and pleases you, there is an air of freedom, an exploration of different music styles, an air of abstract expression. DJ H.Y.B likes to play various rhythm instruments and jam with musicians of different styles. He has a deep understanding and perception of the rhythm flowing in his body and spirit. He hopes more people can feel the most primitive happiness brought by music to their hearts.


StrawberryPapa 是一位来自云南生活在北京的年轻Beatmaker,北京友好而开放的气氛推动他对好的能量的追寻。他的音乐是一个包含云南放松摇摆和北京城市冷峻的融合体,Beats / Grooves / Jazz / Lo-Fi这些关键词和氛围都可以在他的作品中找到,他喜欢将老唱片中带有独特质感的动人片段赋予Hip-Hop的节奏律动重新呈现,希望带给都市人惬意而温暖的听觉体验。2019年5月,草莓爸爸在Eating Music发布了首张正式发行《Underwater/Fantasy》。

From Yunnan, StrawberryPapa is a young beatmaker based in Beijing. His music is a fusion of Yunnan's chillaxed vibe and Beijing's urban coolness. He enjoys giving old records a new life by adding Hip-Hop's beats and blends them together with vinyl's unique sound. Beats, Grooves, Jazz and Lo-Fi are the keywords that you can be expecting to find in his music. In May 2019, he released his debut album "Underwater/Fantasy" in Eating Music. 

4 Channels Club

4 Channels Club(肆通道倶楽部)由独立音乐人马尧于2015年创立,是使用任天堂八位游戏机硬件进行创作的Chiptune / 8-BIT电子音乐计划。4 Channels Club一直致力于开发游戏机硬件芯片发声的多样性以及拓展不同音乐类型之间的边界,依据游戏机硬件音频芯片的基础单波特征进行再创作,构建起由失误美学与矩形波脉冲凝结而成的独特声音景观。 2017发行EP《八仙拳》和全长专辑《Lonely Monster Planet》,2018发行《Low Resolution Waves》,2019发行《Super Pixel Space War Ost》,2020发行《Memory Reset》并使用八位游戏机为独立动画及电子游戏等作品完成配乐工作。

4 Channels Club was founded by indie musician Yao Ma in 2015 as a Chiptune / 8-bit electronic music project using Nintendo 8-bit console hardware. 4 Channels Club is dedicated to exploring the diversity of console hardware chip sounds and expanding the boundaries between different music genres, recreating the basic single-wave characteristics of console hardware audio chips to create a unique sound landscape that combines error aesthetics with wave pulses. He released the EP 《Eight Immortals Fist》 and full-length album 《Lonely Monster Planet》 in 2017, 《Low Resolution Waves》 in 2018, 《Super Pixel Space War Ost》 in 2019. In 2020 he released 《Memory Reset》 and used an 8-bit console to compose music for indie animations and video games.




Synovak的风格受到一系列流派的影响,但他特别喜欢演奏Nu Disco和Soulful House的曲目,这些曲目让观众感同身受。他了解观众的需求,调整播放列表以适应情绪的技巧,确保每个人都玩得很开心。



Synovak is a passionate music lover who has always dreamed of sharing his favorite tunes with the world. Born and raised in a small town in Italy, Synovak grew up listening to a wide variety of music, from classic rock to electronic dance music.After years of tinkering with turntables and mixers in his bedroom, Synovak decided to take his passion for music to the next level and pursue a career as a Jj. He started by playing at local parties and events, and quickly developed a reputation as a talented and enthusiastic newcomer to the scene.Synovak's style is influenced by a range of genres, but he particularly enjoys playing Nu Disco and Soulful House tracks that get the crowd moving. He has a knack for reading the room and adjusting his playlist to fit the mood, ensuring that everyone has a great time.Despite being relatively new to the scene, Synovak has already had some exciting opportunities, including playing at a local Pubs and Bars. He is constantly seeking out new music and refining his skills, and is excited to see where his passion for DJing will take him next. With his infectious energy, diverse taste in music, and dedication to honing his craft, Synovak is sure to make a name for himself in the world of electronic dance music.

Ivy Wong

Ivy Wong在中国音乐行业从事艺人经纪工作十余年,她的成长伴随、见证了电子音乐近十年来在中国的变化和发展;她热爱Techno、tech House等风格的音乐,但她挚爱并享受将硬朗、旋律简单的Techno music和优雅性感的现场氛围展示给大家。


Ivy Wong has been working as an artist agent in the Chinese music industry for over 10 years. Throughout the years, she has witnessed the changes and growth of electronic music in China. She loves techno, tech house, and all styles of music, but her biggest passion is to share strong, simple techno music and create a sexy live atmosphere that everyone can enjoy.

Simply put: She is a Chinese girl who loves music and cats.

Loooooongish Cat

从2020年夏天开始,Loooooongish Cat 的电子音乐结合了科技节拍和现场盒式磁带的采样,让人们在北京的舞池里舞动起来。展示用一堆旧磁带、4/4鼓点和一些旧电子游戏样本可以做什么。Loooooongish Cat从不放弃,所以加入派对吧,因为你可能会对你的发现感到惊讶。

Since the summer of 2020, the glitch’d out tape mashing techno beats of Loooooongish Cat have been swirling around the dance floors of Beijing, with the occasional foray outside of the Northern Capitol. The Loooooongish Cat  demonstrates what can be done with a pile of old cassette tapes, a 4/4 drum beat, and some old video game samples. The Loooooongish Cat takes no prisoners, so get involved in the feline fine party!



The Factory


The Factory is a project space which contains within its walls Tunnel Café, a  craft beer bar, Black Hole cocktail and chill out lounge, and Steamed Bun Comics, Beijing’s first and only fully fledged comic store.

Daftpop 脑波谱


Daftpop is a Beijing based music and events label that focuses on bringing different sounds to new audiences through digital releases, CDs, vinyl, cassette tapes, and events. Unicat Attack! is the brand’s flagship event.


Web: https://daftpopculture.com/

Music: https://daftpop.bandcamp.com/


BYOV (Bring Your Own Vinyl)

就把它当成黑胶迷们的开放麦克风吧。BYOV(自带黑胶),北京的蜡上槽庆典,自2020年以来一直聚集着各种各样的唱片爱好者,当时北京最专注的三位黑胶dj (Wild Wata, Old Pig和ADDJ)聚在一起,想出了一个计划——一个全天的派对,任何有唱片的人都可以报名参加,登上甲板,在30分钟内随心所欲地旋转任何东西。在爱妮岛(BYOV三年多来的常客)举行的第一次活动之后,一个传奇诞生了。从那时起,BYOV吸引了来自中国各地的dj,并帮助发展了北京自己的黑胶社区;在爱妮岛(El Nido)的一个周日下午,许多北京夜总会的资深旋转爱好者第一次尝到了tech -12的味道。现在,BYOV即将在它的新家——北京最新、最伟大的混乱中心“工厂”开始一个新的阶段,欢迎所有经验丰富的15岁和25岁的老手、刮刮者、节拍杂耍者、崭露头角的mc、蜡新手以及任何只想跳舞或听音乐的人。

Think of it as an open mic for vinyl junkies.  BYOV (Bring Your Own Vinyl), Beijing’s celebration of grooves on wax, has been bringing together record enthusiasts of all stripes since 2020, when three of Beijing’s most dedicated vinyl DJs (Wild Wata, Old Pig and ADDJ) got together and came up with a plan – an all-day party where anyone with records could sign up for a slot, get on the decks and spin anything they damn pleased for 30 minutes.  After that first event at El Nido – BYOV’s regular home for more than three years – a legend was born.  Since then, BYOV has drawn DJs from all over China and helped to grow Beijing’s own vinyl community; many a veteran spinner in BJ’s nightclub scene got their first taste on the Tech-12s during a Sunday afternoon at El Nido.  Now about to begin a new phase at its new home, Beijing’s latest-and-greatest center of mayhem The Factory, BYOV welcomes all – seasoned veterans of the 1s-and-2s, scratchers, beat-jugglers, budding MCs, wax newbies and anyone who just wants to dance or listen.  


For news of further music, drinks, exhibitions and other social events please follow us on Wechat. Welcome to hold your own event here, scan to get connect!


